Saturday, May 8, 2010

Photo Overload

This post was written the 8th of May but for several reasons it never was published.
Now, oddly enough, is the perfect time to post this. (the entry below talks about my photography habits, etc.)
It is NOW appropriate because I have been accepted as an exhibiting artist in the Beverly Art Center's 3rd annual Photography Exhibit.
The details for the show are as followed:
Beverly Art Center Digital Photo Exhibit
June 4 - July 3
Opening reception is Friday, June 11, from 7:30 to 9:30pm
I will be showing a large version of one of the very popular paornoramic-esqe type photo compositions.
Stop by, say hello, drink some sparkling grape juice or wine, vote for me as 'viewers choice', and see some really nice work by some very talented photographers. It should be a good time.
If you've met me for more than 10 minutes, you know that 99% of the time, I've got my camera on me.
Now, I've never taken a photo class, I just snap shots that catch my eye. Or things that I might be able to reference in a piece of art later. (I've got a lot of those)

But in 2004, while in the middle of a semester at Trinity Christian College while snapping photos for a graphic design class I had, I randomly, and with no real reason (at the time) decided that every shot that I snapped would be saved.
If it's an out of focus or blurry photo, an accidental shot, too dark, too light, and anything else ... it was all staying, no deletes allowed.

So since that day, yes, every picture I've ever taken is saved. Dozens of CD's and hard drives hold all these memories. Precious or not. It's there. It's become almost a documentary of sorts. All the everyday places I've gone, things I've seen, people I've met, good times, bad times, it's all there.

Eventually it'll be organized, and turned into a flip book or picture mosaic or timeline or something.

While art is in the process of being made, I figure I'll share a few shots I got recently.
Take care, Everybody!

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Hey! Thanks! You're awesome!