Monday, June 21, 2010

Thank yous

 just want to send a thank you to everybody who showed up at the Beverly Art Center Photography opening reception. Thanks for braving the stale stagnant heat inside the main gallery.
It was an honor to show next to some really amazing photographers.
The show is up until July 3 if you still want to check it out.

If you're interested in purchasing a piece, my prices are low (affordable for any persons income; as art should be), the art is all original and hand crafted by yours truly, and there are many different styles to choose from.
Starting at $10 and up.

On a side note, one of my biggest heroes and inspirations, musician Jason Newsted (formerly of Metallica, EchoBrain, IR8, & Papa Wheelie) has taken to painting and has his first solo show in the Micaela gallery in San Fransisco. (to have your first show be a solo show is ... huge, to say the least.)
Personally, I think his art is honestly amazing. And, while I'm crushed I can't find a flight to SF for under $1200, I'm glad I can see some work online. (read his bio, he's got a work routine & ethic similar to mine.)
If you're in that area, GO SEE THAT SHOW.

As always, Ladies & Gents, there is still more to come. I'll keep you posted.
Until then, check out the site, email me about a piece, or pass my name onto someone that needs to jazz up their walls.


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Hey! Thanks! You're awesome!